food safety

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In his book Circle of Innovation, Tom Peters says that "Branding means nothing more (and nothing less!) than creating a distinct personality... and telling the world about it."

Industry not properly protected

On the day after the 9/11 terrorist attacks, Romana Medeiros suggested to some of her colleagues that terrorism might be a viable threat to the food supply...

CORVALLIS, OR - A research scientist has recommended that prevention is better than product recall in reducing food intoxication."When an outbreak occurs,...

The NPD Group's Food Safety Monitor found that most adults have heard or read something about Mad Cow disease (98%). About three out of four adults knew that...

I am happy to be working with the staff of ID Access on providing distributors, manufacturers, and associations with articles that I am hopeful all will find...

"Many times, we have this misperception that all the food produced in developed countries is very safe, and it is very unsafe in developing countries,"...

"The PMA GTIN pilot turned out to be a valuable learning experience for us. We (Wal-Mart) consider ourselves to be fairly technologically advanced with our...

1 in 25 Americans are suffering from food allergies.

An informative poster from the National Restaurant Association Education Foundation that will keep everybody thinking about food safety. Print it and post...

Dr. Zink will discuss the current outbreak of foodborne disease and recalls on Wednesday, Apr. 29, at 9:45 am. He replaces David Nabarro from the United...

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