

From bait to plate

This past October, during the height of the season, chef Barton Seaver, a National Geographic fellow and leading advocate for sustainable fishing practices, purchased what he thought was Maryland blue crab from one of his favorite seafood suppliers.

California weighs clean-towel limit at hotels, restaurant water on demand as drought drags on

Customers may soon be served tap water only upon request.

The term “vinegar” comes from the French vin aigre, or sour wine. It is also used to describe other soured, alcohol-based liquids, such as those made from cider, malt or rice wine. Souring is a natural process that occurs when a liquid containing less than 18 percent alcohol is exposed to the air.

The Culinary Institute of America's ultimate guide to pairing red wine with any food.

Then fight it. Tactics for beating burnout in yourself and your staff.Restaurants have long been notorious for the chew ’em up and spit ’em out impact on...

Today, smoking is so much more than an age-old technique for preserving, tenderizing and adding flavor to food; it’s also the subject of festivals, clubs, organizations and competitions. People are smoking cheese, fruits, nuts, vegetables, salt and whatever else they can get their hands on. So let’s explore the wonderful world of smoking.

Aweakened dollar, high commodity costs and increased global demand for seafood are combining to push up prices this season. Fernando Navas, corporate chef for the six-location SushiSamba, names “price” as his number one sourcing challenge.

RYE BROOK, NY (February 2, 2012)—Chartwells’ Simply Good Fresh and Local program has experienced tremendous success in its schools with 89% of 534...

Menu change is never an easy task. Transforming the menu for a flagship restaurant at the CIA was a learning experience I will not soon forget.

When fusion was the trend of the moment, some chefs tried too hard to globalize menus. In too many kitchens, the result was confusion—on the plate and the palate.

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