
Lee Ann Adams, CMB, CHE

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Articles by
Lee Ann Adams, CMB, CHE

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Artisanal bread 101

A s a bread baker, I am always looking for new and seasonal ways to make the perfect loaf. But before we discuss what to add to our bread, let’s talk about the four fundamental building blocks of bread making. Flour, water, yeast and salt are all that are needed to make a spectacular loaf.

Artisanal bread 101

A s a bread baker, I am always looking for new and seasonal ways to make the perfect loaf. But before we discuss what to add to our bread, let’s talk about the four fundamental building blocks of bread making. Flour, water, yeast and salt are all that are needed to make a spectacular loaf.

Every chef needs to have a few “go-to” desserts in his or her repertoire, and none is more important than chocolate mousse. The versatility of this preparation is enormous, as chocolate mousse on its own can fill a need for the simplest bistrostyle dessert, while the same recipe could also be turned into a layer in the most sophisticated glazed entremet. An understanding of the basic techniques involved in preparing it will help ensure success with each attempt and eliminate the possibility for mistakes.