Using existing ingredients and flavors to create fresh and innovative dishes

Using existing ingredients and flavors to create fresh and innovative dishes

As a restaurant in New Orleans, we strive to continually offer dishes that are unique and inventive to our customers. This means cross-utilization is key in the kitchen. Therefore, when creating new dishes, it’s vital to constantly be thinking “Where else can I use this?” This type of thinking allows for the use of existing ingredients to be re-created into new small plate dishes, entrees and specials on our menu. It was this resourcefulness that allowed us to create an entire pressed sandwich menu that we now offer at lunch—all without bringing in a single new product! We might have one ingredient that we use in ten plates—from simply a garnish on one dish, to the base for a sauce in another. We’ve found that an ingredient can trigger new and exciting flavor profiles for multiple dishes – helping to keep food costs down and limit unnecessary food excess.
