
Ignorance is no excuse

Without carefully verifying background information and references, the hiring process can go very wrong. It is important to follow a standard procedure when hiring and to dot every i.

Self-publishing a cookbook

For several years, Hank Holliday, owner of Peninsula Grill in Charleston, South Carolina’s Planter’s Inn, talked about doing a cookbook to showcase the restaurant’s culinary legacy.

In a perfect world, your hostess would answer the phone and deliver an exquisitely stated description of your restaurant, provide clear and accurate directions, add the guest's name to the preferred seating list, and not hang up without conveying her sincere interest in making their acquaintance later that evening.

In the mind of marketing consultant Tom Feltenstein, branding is how your brand makes people feel about themselves.

There never seems to be enough time in the day. The dynamics of foodservice are accelerating. It's impossible to keep up with all the changes in the competition, training methods, technology, inventory, pricing, and customer needs...

Whoever uttered the phrase “familiarity breeds contempt” may have gotten it wrong—at least when it comes to restaurants. A new study suggests that familiarity actually makes customers more loyal.

One of the most common errors in the financial statements of restaurants is the incorrect recording of food and beverage comps — food or beverage served free of charge, or sold at prices lower than normal retail.

Taking your restaurant’s show on the road through catering is a growing opportunity—as long as you don’t lose your identity along the way.

Front page news tends to be gloomy, but especially so when the economy is wobbly or our foreign relationships are on the rocks. Instability of any kind creates divisions within communities and countries.

Shopping for business ideas in the grocery aisle. If our team spends one more hour at Chicago’s Eataly, we’ll have to start forwarding our mail there.

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