5. A la nage
Thinking about all the ways that flavor can be added to seafood at a restaurant (e.g., seasonings or spices; sauces, spreads or condiments; marinades; and glazes), consumers noted the preparation style as the most appealing (79%). So finding new and enticing cooking styles for seafood is a must for operators to stay relevant with consumers. Trending up is seafood a la nage, a poaching method featuring fish cooked in a light white wine broth with vegetables, herbs and other aromatics, then served with those ingredients. The French term has both that unique factor consumers want as well as a premium undertone. Further, as one of the lightest preparation methods for seafood, fish a la nage would be best paired with language like “lighter fare” on menus, because about a quarter (23%) of consumers are not only more likely to purchase seafood attributed as such, but also are willing to pay more for it.