Bill Main

Articles by
Bill Main

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And one to grow on

One of the easiest and most successful marketing promotions is to invite guests to celebrate their birthday with you.

Keep your eyes on the prize

Back in 1992, the San Francisco Giants baseball team was ready to move to Florida.

A foodservice manager is an extremely influential person.

In his book Circle of Innovation, Tom Peters says that "Branding means nothing more (and nothing less!) than creating a distinct personality... and telling the world about it."

I remember reading in a newspaper article that "A great front room person is not in it for the recognition; they have an innate co-dependent need to serve." Does this describe the service in your restaurant?

September is National Food Safety Month, a great time to reinforce, retrain and re-inspect our in-house food safety practices. There's still room for improvement.

Tasting menus are popular these days. Very popular. Nearly every white tablecloth restaurant has jumped on the trend, with super-star chefs showcasing their talents and culinary artistry with multi-course meals.

None of us can run a restaurant alone so we surround ourselves with capable people. In nearly every workplace there are members of the WWII Generation, BabyBoomers, Generation X'ers and Millennials (Gen Y). But each generation is unique.

In an ideal world, we would never have to go through the process of hiring a manager. Our star team members would be promoted from within, eventually become a partner, and then buy us out when we're ready to retire in style at the ripe old age of 55.

One of the most common errors in the financial statements of restaurants is the incorrect recording of food and beverage comps — food or beverage served free of charge, or sold at prices lower than normal retail.

Outside of foodservice, a standard work week is Monday through Friday.

I talk a lot about the importance of keeping your finger on the pulse of your operation. Getting timely information about your Prime Cost — food, beverage and labor costs — is the first and most important step to take.

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