6 more tips from RLC

Don’t forget the cup.

Make sure drink cups reflect your brand image. It’s what customers take out of the restaurant and see in the car, on the desk, on the kitchen counter.

Personalize loyalty offers.

Tailored rewards, such as a free favorite beverage or a birthday giveaway, can drive brand loyalty.

Tell your story.

Millennials, in particular, want to know who you are and how you got there. They want to meet your brand, not just use it.

Go back one more time.

If a customer doesn’t respond to an offer for a freebie or perk, redraft the come-on and go back to them one more time. You could boost responses by a couple of percentage points.

Draft a digital roadmap.

Blindly shuffling forward into technology is a mistake, RLC speakers agreed. Have a strategic plan with milestones you want to reach by  certain dates.

Aim high with your delivery guy.

In off-premise catering, the delivery person may be the only point of contact between the customer and restaurant. Hire the best, train them and pay well.

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