
In a flash, service guarantees become Next Big Thing

All of a sudden, chains are racing to assure off-premise customers of precisely how long they'll have to wait for an order.


5 big ideas from the NRA Show

The restaurant industry's annual gathering yielded some unconventional approaches to common problems, from sky-high delivery fees to lowering labor costs.

China is poised to eclipse the U.S. as a hotbed of activity.

Even the pizza chain was startled by the new way that's been blazed to order a pie. And that's only one of the extreme moves that turned heads this week.

When you buy a car, a camera or a toaster oven, you receive a warranty — a guarantee that the product will work. How often have you seen a warranty for restaurant meals?

ARLINGTON, VA - Not much has been written about Efficient Foodservice Response (EFR) these days, but that is not to say the EFR initiative has closed shop -...

With so many new features out there, it's a good idea to understand what you need before you buy. Here's a guide to walk you through the process.

It's the hottest, well, buzzword in marketing. Buzz. Everybody wants it. Not everybody has it. And to get it, best you forget the old lingo of media buys, bump rates and drive times and get hip to the "influencers," "viral marketers," "bloggers" and "blasters" who are driving things today.

ID: IFDA’s Supplier Advisory Council and the IFDA IT Committee are currently involved in collaborative project involving complete and accurate data between...

You have a close personal relationship with your point of sale system.

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