food safety


CDC confirms 2 sources of E. coli contamination, says more to come

Suppliers have voluntarily recalled 83 tons of ground beef, but tests show not all 177 victims consumed meat from those providers.


Restaurants find themselves unwitting agents of the measles outbreak

Reports of new cases routinely cite eating places as the source of the contamination, but an alarm has yet to sound.

The game changer of off-premise packs a danger that could throttle the opportunity.

But federal officials say they are still unable to identify the source restaurants, supermarkets or suppliers.

Seventy-two people in five states have been sickened, but officials say there is no need for restaurants to drop any products.

But the research also verifies that there are still a significant amount of true sufferers at 26 million.

Federal authorities say new labels are being created to differentiate safe growing areas from regions that are still suspect.

The food safety watchdog is developing new labels to indicate when a source is beyond suspicion.

The food safety watchdog says romaine supplies may have been contaminated with E. coli.

Local and state health officials are looking into reports of 15 people who got sick after eating breakfast sandwiches at the restaurant.

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