
The art of giving

Rewards, contests, incentives, and bonuses can all be used to motivate employees, but what do employees value? How about asking them what they want? Get better service and keep your employees by using the right rewards.


Tea comes to a boil

Tea doesn’t seem to command the same devotion and geekdom that coffee does here in the U.S. While coffee houses boast Rube Goldberg contraptions for brewing java, many operators still throw a tea bag in a cup of hot water—which doesn’t cut it for tea lovers.

"Marrying" bottles of condiments has been the bane of servers since the beginning of time... well, at least since the beginning of sidework.

An in-house Iron Chef competition. A gracious restaurant in Jersey. A surcharge for customers in Florida. And a lot more, in this installment of the Week in Ideas.

FORT WORTH, Texas - With 2003 ending on a "very positive upswing" for Ben. E. Keith Foods, Inc., here, its president, Mike Roach, is hopeful that this trend...

Kids’ menus are proliferating, and many chains have started programs expressly to address childhood obesity. But it’s not clear how much of an impact they might have on the one-third of American children who are overweight, according to speakers who shared new insights during the RLC on promoting childhood health.

WASHINGTON, DC - The foodservice distribution industry has voiced its concern about an upcoming rule FDA rule on keeping records, stating that it would...

In just nine months, the number of restaurant locations offering breakfast menus grew by 13 percent, according to the Breakfast Insights of Champions report recently released by Chicago research company Food Genius.

The anti-smoking crusade has come a long way, baby. Despite howls of protest from restaurant and nightclub owners, the smoking ban has gained considerable momentum since California unveiled its historic smoke-out in 1998.

Mayor De Blasio and Health Commissioner Mary Bassett ate in the popular restaurant where a doctor diagnosed with the disease was known to have eaten before getting sick.

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