

This week’s 5 head-spinning moments: Going too far?

Restaurants could be losing one of the industry's key federal protections, and that's not the only extreme possibility that emerged for the business.

Restaurant figures pick fight with Trump

A union is suing the president for keeping his connection to the industry, saying the benefits are unconstitutional.

This week’s goddammit moments were not of the passive variety. Operators were plunged into a crisis by the remarkably bad decisions they made, some after what had to have been considerable deliberation.

Restaurateurs swapped their whites and business suits this week for superhero capes and masks. Here’s a rundown of their exploits.

Chick-fil-A, Papa John’s and Starbucks show the greatest divide among Democrat and Republican diners in a new survey.

Noise about the election drowned out revelations about restaurants' surprising roles.

A group of restaurant-chain CEOs offered their advice to the next chief executive as the race moved into the home stretch.

In a week of surprises, the restaurant industry definitely had its share. Here are a few that slithered up on the business.

When we first started brainstorming ideas for the cover of this month’s issue, we didn’t plan on featuring the president-elect…And then the results came in.

Sometimes silence can really be golden for restaurants. Here's proof.

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