social media

Sysco's John Baugh: A Quest for Excellence

For foodservice distribution patriarch John Baugh, retired senior chairman and founder of Sysco Corp. Houston, the quest for excellence in his industry meant...

Entrepreneur of the year: Kevin Reddy

Turning an interesting startup into a major industry player takes a lot of vision, leadership and a taste for the risky. This year, Kevin Reddy made it all look easy.

Bakery cafes have emerged as high-fliers in the restaurant industry, and are well-positioned to leverage new growth opportunities as the economy continues its slow recovery.

A look at the top mobile users of social media underscores how much they depend on daily dish-ups of 140 characters to make their models work.

Pressure to improve the healthfulness of kids meals and restaurant fare in general, along with the influence of the growing Asian, Hispanic, Boomer and Millennial population groups are among the factors that will shape the restaurant industry in 2012 and beyond, according to The NPD Group.

Chiles all belong to the Solanaceae (nightshade) family, the same one as tomatoes, eggplant and tobacco. While they are called chiles in Mexico, they are known as ajíes in Peru, Chile, Colombia and Venezuela; pimentas in Brazil; and peppers or chile peppers in the United States.

Ever feel that running a restaurant is like climbing Mount Everest? Alison Levine says it is, and she would know. She’s an accomplished businesswoman as well as one of the few people who’s climbed the highest peaks on all seven continents. Then there are her treks across the North and South Poles.

Crowdfunding is a sea change for small businesses that don’t want to go the traditional financing route. Can it work for restaurants?

On Monday, the governor unveiled the online map, which is a follow-up to the popular Green Chile Cheeseburger Trail that continues to serve as a publicity tool for the state.

Beyonce provided the chain with an opportunity it didn't seize. But the turn of events should prompt all restaurant leaders to think about a more important issue.

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