
'Tis the other season

Most of us put extra effort into our marketing, training, menu, and service for the winter holidays. Then things slow down and unless we're in a heavy summer tourist area, we fall into the summer doldrums. It doesn't have to be this way. Spring and Summer seasonal changes can bring some unique opportunities to lighten up your menu, freshen up your image, and gather up the business.

The family business

Five portraits form a multi-generational celebration of life in the family store.

Nearly nine out of 10 consumers are eager to lend restaurants a hand in recycling their trash, according to a sustainability study released at the National Restaurant Association show.

Not all of the juiciest restaurant developments are reflected in the mainstream media’s headlines. Consider these tidbits, for instance.

A confluence of tech advances, changing lifestyles and demographic shifts has brought a renaissance in takeout, and everyone is racing to capitalize on it.

The scaled-down venture will operate under a separate name. Beer and TV will be essential features.

I had a friend who offered free advice. On the subject of budgeting money, she had this to say.

From day one David Zebny envisioned Z Square as a chain of hip restaurants with high-quality food, modest prices and enough design variety for each place to at least look different from the rest.

No aspect of social media seems to unnerve restaurant chains more than the prospect of a public complaint. Because anyone can post anything, brands fear they’ll be slammed in full view of customers by whiners whose gripes might not even be reality-based.

How and where do people eat when the mercury plummets to negative numbers and the snow continues to fall? See how restaurants and delivery services fared in The Polar Vortex Survival Diet.

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