

Court clears the way for servers to sue for full minimum wage

The decision could require restaurants to forego the tip credit for side work and untipped activities.


3 political developments the restaurant industry should be watching

Little-noticed ripples on the labor front hold profound implications for foodservice employers.

A majority of the city’s ruling council have co-sponsored a bill that would reverse last month’s ballot measure.

The portion of servers’ wages paid by restaurant employers will rise to $15 an hour.

Restaurants that dropped tipping are switching back to gratuities as customers show they're not ready for an alternative that radical—with one major exception.

With minimum wage hikes increasing the pain of full-service places grappling with an in-house pay gap, operators are increasingly giving surcharges a try.

Danny Meyer provided details Monday night at a town-hall style meeting with guests, fellow restaurateurs and the media. Here are the particulars.

Fees aimed at fixing disparities between the front and back of house meet mixed results.

The duo say they should have gotten more money.

The dash for off-premise business is taking a detour around third-party delivery. Meanwhile, Amy Poehler isn't making restaurateurs laugh, R&D kitchens are cooking up some unusual new products, and the drug epidemic is prompting some controversial changes in operations.

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