
How Chicago restaurant Swift & Sons stirs a perfect martini

As restaurants increasingly become go-to social destinations for consumers, especially younger consumers, operators are turning to creative forms of “eatertainment” to drive traffic and stand out from the competition.

At high-end Chicago steakhouse Swift & Sons—one of Restaurant Business magazine’s 10 groundbreaking concepts of 2016—that includes a martini crafted and stirred tableside on the restaurant’s bar cart.

The presentation goes well beyond just mixing the drink. The bar cart at Swift & Sons is stocked with chef-driven garnishes with which guests can customize their drinks. And, as the video here shows, the engaging and knowledgeable bartender also drives home the restaurant’s throwback theme and delivers another hospitality touch point by spinning a history lesson with the cocktail as it’s concocted.

Check out this special demonstration on how to stir the perfect martini at Swift & Sons during our May 2016 Taste the Trends restaurant tour for foodservice directors and restaurant executives.


Restaurant Business Swift & Sons Martini Demo from Kelly Killian on Vimeo.


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