Consumer Trends

Consumer trends, insights and preferences

Consumer Trends

Expanding Your Restaurant’s Digital Footprint

Expanding Your Restaurant’s Digital Footprint   Though society had gradually become more and more technology oriented over the years, nobody could have predicted the breakneck speed at which i...

Consumer Trends

The secrets behind the top LTOs of 2021

A good limited-time offer should encourage purchase, but the most successful ones share other winning traits.

Patrons will readily shift their loyalties on the basis of how staffs are handled, particularly on COVID safety issues, according to the findings.

The younger generation is far more likely to use modern innovations like alcohol delivery and digital ordering. Their habits point the way to future growth.

Nearly six in 10 tend to be underwhelmed by the experience. That’s just one of the surprising findings in a new consumer survey.

The 2021 Yelp Economic Average studied search terms on the review platform to track the pandemic’s continued impact on restaurants.

Sweet & Sour: Nancy Kruse and Peter Romeo look at the oft-voiced theory that the pandemic has shifted the focus of restaurant customers and operators to the convenience of takeout and delivery. Neither one is buying it. Some axe throwing and a drink, anyone?

Drinkers who overindulged during the holidays and the growing ranks of sober-curious consumers are gravitating toward alcohol-free cocktails this month.

Health-conscious consumers are increasingly seeking ways to promote wellness across all aspects of their lives, and unsurprisingly, eating a healthy diet is a cornerstone. Currently, the growing appeal of plant-based foods and diets is likely correlated with the growing number of consumers preferring a healthier diet—and for that reason, it’s crucial that operators develop strategies to leverage each of these trends in conjunction.

Data from the third-party companies provides a snapshot of what consumers ordered from restaurants in the last year—and what fell from favor.

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