
How your restaurant sales and profits compare to competitors' and what you can do to improve financial performance


Loving underutilized cuts of red meat

To feed Americans’ never-ending appetite for beef, the cattle industry is making new and underutilized cuts more available to restaurateurs.


Blended investment: smoothies, shakes and malts

A selection of fruit smoothies can add on-trend beverage choices to a menu and boost average checks.

The tough economy has many companies pulling in their horns on expansion, but operators who are shopping for real estate could find it’s a buyer’s market.

A look through all six installments of our annual Future 50 report triggered some double-takes about the chains on this year’s list.

For her nine Grand Central Bakeries, in Portland and Seattle, Piper Davis buys sustainable grains and natural meats.

Your seafood supplier can be your best friend when it comes to identifying seafood species and avoiding fraud.

Valet parking services may be a must for some guests. Learn how to keep costs under control.

At a time when the country is seeing established, successful concepts close or relocate because of rapidly escalating rents, operators are focusing on other ways to make a lease still work for them.

Operators who earned a spot on Restaurant Business’ 2015 Top 100 Independents ranking tell what four sales-boosting tactics worked for them this past year.

The Top 100 is ranked by sales, but the list measures success. These operators never say they know a "secret" to success, but why do they perform so well?

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