Food truck or food porn

The names of actual food trucks mixed in with the names of actual food-fetish porn movies we found online. Can you tell the difference?

  1. Orgasm Omelette
  2. Sexy Soup Lady
  3. We Like to Spoon
  4. Hot for Whipped Cream
  5. The Cherry Down Below
  6. Big Ass Sandwiches
  7. Asian Banana
  8. Sienna’s Southern Comforts
  9. Greasy Wiener
  10. Tasty Bunz
  11. Icing on the Cake
  12. Shut Up and Eat
  13. Hot Pie
  14. Straight-From-The-Oven Lovin’
  15. Shrimp Pimp
  16. Me So Hungry
  17. Fruit of the Loins

Food trucks:
2, 3, 6, 9, 10, 12, 15, 16


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