
Redefining dessert

Dessert used to be chosen as a sweet finish to the evening meal to celebrate, congratulate or reward. Technomic’s 2013 Dessert Consumer Trend Report shines a spotlight on the dessert diner, finding that dessert isn’t just an after-dinner treat anymore. Consumers are “reaching for easily accessible, handheld and portable treats at just about any time of day. Desserts are also functioning as snacks and even meal replacements,” explains, Darren Tristano, executive vice president of Technomic, Inc. And while indulgence is generally the goal, consumers also want healthier choices—especially low-calorie and sugar-free items—because they’re reaching for them more than ever:

  • 70 percent of consumers say they eat dessert once a week or more often
  • 40 percent of consumers eat dessert after a meal at least twice a week
  • 36 percent of consumers indicated that they are more likely to order dessert if a mini portion is available

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