
Versatile, quality products make serving unique, exciting brunch options a breeze

Consumers have more options than ever when choosing where to get brunch—competition has never been stiffer for operators in all segments. So it stands to reason that operators are working hard to diversify their menus, offer a mixture of both classic favorites as well as the latest trends and ensure each diner can find something they want to eat.

However, the challenges presented to restaurants and other foodservice establishments—staffing shortages, inflation and more—mean operators have to be strategic in their menu planning. For instance, choosing versatile ingredients that can be used in multiple dishes helps make it easier to offer unique and exciting brunch dishes without maxing out back-of-house labor.

Multi-use, low-prep ingredients

Using speed-scratch or ready-to-eat ingredients offers an array of benefits for operators. To start, they offer consistency—the product performs and tastes the same every time, leaving no potential for error in preparation. This ensures dishes made with those ingredients come out great every time, leaving customers satisfied. Additionally, ready-to-eat ingredients take the stress off back-of-house staff. Instead of having to start from scratch for every component of a dish, workers can use prepared ingredients to expedite their prep work and ensure dishes come out faster—again ensuring customer satisfaction. And when the ingredients used are versatile enough to be used in multiple dishes, they can help keep food costs controlled without limiting operators’ creativity. Ingredients such as prepared Sharp Cheddar Cheese Sauce, Nacho Cheese Sauce and Corned Beef Hash—all from CHEF-MATE® —help operators churn out dish after delicious dish for brunch and beyond.

Menu inspiration

With ready-to-use ingredients from CHEF-MATE®, operators can create a variety of tasty, unique brunch offerings for their diners. For instance, CHEF-MATE® Corned Beef Hash, along with thousand island dressing, sauerkraut, Swiss cheese and fried eggs makes for a delicious and interesting Reuben Pizza, perfect for brunch—or even lunch or dinner when served without eggs. Or, use the Corned Beef Hash to create patties and use the patties to make the Ultimate Breakfast Burger. On a toasted brioche bun, layer a Corned Beef Hash patty with thousand island dressing, sauerkraut, avocado, bacon and a sunny-side-up egg. For a more traditional offering—that’s still exciting and tasty—use Chef-mate Que Bueno Nacho Cheese Sauce to top a Southwestern Omelet filled with bacon, Roma tomato, avocado and jalapeño. That same sauce can be used on nachos—or, during morning hours, Breakfast Nachos, topped with eggs, black beans, guacamole, sour cream, jalapeno, cilantro, red onion and pico de gallo.

By sourcing ingredients that are quick to prepare and can be used on the morning menu—as well as all day long—operators can make menu planning a breeze. Offering exciting, appealing brunch options is easier than ever with CHEF-MATE®. To learn more about ways to use CHEF-MATE® products on the menu, click here.

This post is sponsored by CHEF-MATE®


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