
What’s Hot 2022 Culinary Forecast is Here

The National Restaurant Association partnered with the professional chefs of the American Culinary Federation, whose members forecast what they think will reign on menus in the year ahead.
Image courtesy of the National Restaurant Association

As the restaurant industry starts to reset and focus on the future, trends old and new will take the spotlight on menus and in off-premises transactions. For the What’s Hot 2022 Culinary Forecast, the Association partnered with the professional chefs of the American Culinary Federation, whose members forecast what they think will reign on menus in the year ahead in 12 categories of trends, including daypart occasions, menu categories, beverages, flavors, global inspirations, packaging/off-premises trends and industry macro-trends. See  the Top 10 overall and trends that are cooling down.

Download the report

And join us Dec. 2, 2 p.m. ET, as Hudson Riehle, the Association’s SVP of Research, delivers an industry update, including trends in food costs, menu prices and other operator challenges and their impact on the culinary trends forecast in the What’s Hot 2022 report.


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