
Mastering social media's new tools: Snapchat

Snaplications: Recruiting goes mobile

The original disappearing photo and video app is still hitting hard with teens and young adults. According to a survey conducted by advertising and PR firm SCG, 78% of Gen Z uses the app daily, making it a popular platform for operators looking to target younger consumers.


No longer just for flower crown filters, operators have begun to use Snapchat as a recruitment tool for young applicants. While Taco Bell reached out to potential interns through the app’s Snap Stories feature in 2015, McDonald’s took the approach a step further this summer, creating “snaplications” to hire 250,000 restaurant employees. 

Snapchat users were shown 10-second ads of current staff talking about the perks of working at the chain. Viewers could then swipe up on the ad to be taken to McDonald’s career webpage to learn more about job opportunities and apply to their nearest location. 


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