
3 things ruining your bottom line—and how to stabilize them

Focusing on the guest experience can help operators boost profitability.
Photograph: Shutterstock

There’s a silent villain out there in the front of house. It’s racking up labor costs, ruining customer experience and retention, causing shrinkage and damaging serviceware. The culprit? Tables that aren’t level, or floors underneath tables that aren’t completely flat. Sometimes it’s the seemingly “little things” such as wobbly tables that can add up and greatly damage a business’ bottom line and brand reputation. Fortunately, there are innovative restaurant solutions to correct table bases and prevent the following:

Dissatisfied customers: Guests decide to go out to eat because they want an enjoyable, stress-free experience with their food. When seated at an uneven table, however, customers will likely spend a large part of their meal annoyed at the shaky surface. They may even get down on their hands and knees to stack napkins, sugar packets and coasters underneath too-short table legs. That means that even if the service and food are above par, customers will likely remember the frustration of a wobbly table and may be less likely to return, give a positive online rating or recommend the restaurant to others.

Wasted labor costs: When tables constantly need to be stabilized, the already-busy wait staff may have to spend valuable time away from their service duties to adjust (and readjust, and readjust again) wobbly tables. In fact, FLAT Tech found that the labor costs involved in stabilizing and aligning tables each day (in addition to cleaning any associated spills) can total as much as $13,687 over three years.

What’s more, even if a restaurant manages to come up with a more permanent solution to wobbly tables such as wood inserts, every time the tables are moved to have floors cleaned or rearranged for new table placement, those fixes need to be realigned, which wastes additional labor time.

Customers hate wobbly tables! 

You have them, and they hate them. They will kill your brand no matter how good the menu or ambiance. Don't let your tables torpedo your business. Time to fix it permanently! Sign up for our limited time FREE NO RISK OFFER to see the difference FLAT can make. 


Breakage and spills: A table that tilts and dips is not only annoying for those seated, but it also can send glassware sliding off table edges. FLAT Tech found that replacing food and drinks, as well as refunding unhappy customers, can cost restaurants $782 over three years—and that’s not even figuring in the cost of replacing that serviceware. And if table linens are used, or food and drink is spilled on guests’ clothing, dry cleaning costs add up quickly, too.

Considering the wasted cost and time created by wobbling tables, investing in patented table bases and equalizers makes financial sense. FLAT® Table Bases use hydraulic technology to adjust tables’ feet to the floor, adapting to uneven surfaces and locking into position until another move. Meanwhile, FLAT® Equalizers replace a table’s existing screw-in feet and stabilize the table following a gentle press on the tabletop. Securing tables goes a long way when it comes to stabilizing the bottom line and a restaurant’s reputation.f

This post is sponsored by FLAT Tech


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