
The surprising way operators are creating a better guest experience

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When dining out, consumers look for tasty menu items, friendly service, a clean space and reasonable prices. But some of the things that make customers come back again and again aren’t so obvious. For instance, if tables are wobbly, it can have a negative effect on a guest’s experience—especially if that wobbly table leads to spilled drinks or food. Worst of all, because wobbly tables can be caused by several factors, such as uneven floors or damaged table bases, it can be difficult to tackle this issue with temporary solutions.

Thankfully, FLAT Tech offers self-stabilizing table bases or FLAT Equalizers for stabilizing existing tables that can take care of this problem permanently in no time. Two businesses—Theory, a restaurant and sports bar in Chicago; and Howl at the Moon, a nightclub with locations in 15 cities across the country—have implemented these solutions and have experienced a big and positive difference from them. Take a look.

FLAT Tech at Theory

“Nothing is more frustrating to me than when people get food and the table is wobbly. A lot of times we’re taking individual tables and pushing them together,” says Joel Sorinsky, managing partner at Theory. “The technology allowing the tables to stabilize themselves off without anybody being involved is obviously a huge benefit to us. And then when our food runners bring the food out and we’re putting waters on the table, we don’t have to worry.”

“Wobbly tables create the impression that the business owner doesn’t care”, says Sorinsky. According to Joel, the most frustrating thing in restaurants are the different flooring levels. Using short-term solutions, such as putting coasters or napkins underneath table feet, doesn’t present the best image for the restaurant.

Sorinsky says that their end goal is to switch over all of their bases to FLAT bases. “The main benefits to me are the cost and easiness...I’d recommend the FLAT bases to other people because their easy to use and affordable,” says Sorinsky. But, the main benefit is, of course, the level surface that FLAT technology can offer. Joel explains, “We had a table on a non-FLAT base after we’d switched over to FLAT, and we had a bottle of water on the table and it ended up sliding down and falling off.  At that point I looked at my staff member and said we’re never buying another table base…only FLAT bases.”

Customers hate wobbly tables! 

You have them, and they hate them. They will kill your brand no matter how good the menu or ambiance. Don't let your tables torpedo your business. Time to fix it permanently! Sign up for our limited time FREE NO RISK OFFER to see the difference FLAT can make. 


Howl at The Moon and FLAT Tech

Bradd O’Brien, president of Howl at the Moon, says he’s tried every kind of table-leveling technology. “We had boxes of other products to try and level tables to try and solve the problem...and we’d have a scheduled maintenance person come every Wednesday and on their list was to make sure tables were level…it’s just not a good solution.”

After multiple attempts at figuring out a solution for wobbly tables, O’Brien tried out FLAT in one of his busiest and “craziest” Howl at the Moon locations, and after a trial period, opted to install them at all of the chain’s locations. “It passed the test with flying colors. It really did. It was a no-brainer: get them everywhere” he says.

FLAT Equalizers—the company’s solution for existing tables—are easy to install, too, according to O’Brien. “Just take out the old feet, screw these in, and then wherever the table is you push down and it stays level…you move it somewhere else, you push down, and it’s level there.”

O’Brien says the FLAT Tech has been great for their staff too—servers don’t need to spend time every shift adjusting tables. But best of all, it helps create a better customer experience.

“I can’t speak for what every customer would say is their biggest pet peeve when they go into a place, but I’m very confident that if they experience a wobbly table, that it’s unlikely you’re going to get them back. It sounds silly, but it’s a big expectation a customer has,” says O’Brien. “The investment we made in FLAT for all of our clubs was the best investment we’ve made in a long time.” 

For more information about FLAT table bases and FLAT Equalizers, visit https://www.flattech.com/.

This post is sponsored by FLAT Tech


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