Pro*Act Promotes Brian Kane to Chief Operating Officer

MONTEREY, CA—Pro*Act, a distributor of fresh produce, has promoted Brian Kane to Chief Operating Officer. Kane joined Pro*Act in 2008 as Vice President of Client Services, leading the team’s development and management of perishable sourcing and distribution programs for multiunit foodservice companies.

Prior to joining Pro*Act, Kane spent more than a decade in purchasing and operations positions for leading chain restaurant organizations, including RARE Hospitality International, Don Pablo’s (Avado Brands Inc.) and Apple South Inc.

As Chief Operating Officer, Kane assumes broad leadership responsibility for Pro*Act’s day-to-day operations, overseeing Procurement, Client Services, Marketing, Business Development, Retail Sales and Food Safety. He also will continue in his current role as leader of the Client Services team until a new Vice President is named for that department. He reports to Pro*Act President, Max Yeater.

“Brian’s understanding of multiunit customer purchasing and distribution programs is a tremendous asset, both to the Pro*Act organization and to our customers,” said Yeater. “With him leading the Client Services team, we’ve grown our business, diversified our customer base and significantly enhanced the value of our supply-chain management capabilities with customer-focused solutions. He is very deserving of this promotion and we look forward to his continued contributions and his expanded leadership as our new COO.”

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