Jonathan Deutsch, Ph.D.

Articles by
Jonathan Deutsch, Ph.D.

Page 44

Finding a design to fit your restaurant

Would you recommend sticking with the tried-and-true single bar design, or going for two bars? 

Knowing when to change your frying oil

When do you decide it's time to change your frying oil? 

I have owned a restaurant and have management experience but never finished my college degree in hospitality.

We are a small, busy operation, don't have a lot of time to screen endless applicants and we do not have enough in-house talent for the positions we need.

Do you recommend any websites containing start-up menu selections, tools, etc. for catering?

How do you suggest we make sure staff get home safely when getting off work late at night?

I have a server who up-sells and has a lot of requests, but continues to cause conflict between others and slides on her work.

Is there a standard formula or guideline for how many of each type of beer to have?

Do you think breaks should be allowed and if so how many per day?

What is the best way to cook and season prime rib and top rounds for the most flavorful results?

We tried the "anything else for you" and "dropping checks" strategy and even buying them a drink at the bar.

We are considering either: limiting a table to only four cards, or adding a fee to offset the swipe fee.

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