Sara Rush Wirth

Articles by
Sara Rush Wirth

Page 41

Inside République

Chef-owners Walter and Margarita Manzke embarked on designing a neighborhood restaurant that transitioned easily from casual breakfasts to high-end dinners.


Consumers put new starters in the game

Consumers’ tastes can drastically change in the span of a year—and they did. New research from Washington, D.C.-based newBrandAnalytics found that the starters people buzzed about most in 2013 were almost completely different from the previous year. Only ceviche was a favorite in both 2012 and 2013. Here are the top-five starters of 2013.

Ben and Max Goldberg aren’t focused on turning tables at Pinewood Social, its design encourages guests to eat and stay for the whole day.

Approximately 110 million customers' credit card or personal information was hijacked in the Target data breach that occurred this past holiday season

Eataly Chicago closed its doors for a day just a week after opening in December. Why? Not even the operators foresaw how popular it would be.

In-house cooking classes have long been a way for restaurant chefs to connect with consumers. With the official launch of Google Helpout at the end of November, chefs and restaurateurs now have a new option to reach potential guests across the miles.

In just over three years, Rubin has taken Melt Shop from an idea to three units in New York City, with four more slated to open in 2014.

The San Francisco Chronicle reported an 8 percent increase in cookbook sales in 2011, and the trend has continued.

Technomic rated chains' connection to consumers through a series of questions designed to gauge loyalty and perception of a brand.

It might not look all that different from other build-your-own pizza spots, but Denver’s Pizzeria Locale has one thing that others in the crowded segment do not—a partnership with industry icon Chipotle.

There’s no denying that it has been a bone-chilling winter. With fuel costs rising as the temperature plummets, restaurants are seeing spikes in utility costs. See some tips on managing your heating and energy spending to reduce the weather damage to your bottom line.

When the owners of Session Kitchen in Denver opened in late October, they aimed to create a new way of dining by adding a twist to traditional tapas.

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