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Jay Siff, Founder and CEO of Moving Targets, is committed to helping you make more money. With his 18+ years in retailing and 18+ years in direct marketing, Jay has excelled in growing one of the largest and most successful direct-to-the-customer retail marketing companies in the United States.

Direct marketing delivers immediate, trackable, and measurable results that businesses demand—especially in today’s economy. There’s no expensive “waste circulation.”  Promotions go only to prospects most likely to respond.

Want better results from your promotions? Instead of costly trial-and-error experiments, you can easily boost your ad response by using proven tips and tricks of today's most successful direct marketers. Put these ideas to work for you today!

Show Your People
Advertising guru John Caples once said, "Of all types of pictures that you can use to attract attention, a head or face is best." Lifeless photos of your business are not only dull, they also suggest that you're not very popular. Add a crowd of happy, active customers... and voila! You now have a positive image with interest and appeal. Showing your photo, name, title (Paul Smith, Owner) in your advertising says you're proud of your business and boosts your offers' credibility.

Create a Swipe File
The old saying, “If you can’t think of a good idea, steal one,” isn’t unprincipled when it comes to marketing. In the marketplace of ideas, strategies from other industries or professions can be of great use if you reshape them to fit your particular needs.

Hang onto ads or direct mail pieces that catch your eye. Take notes on effective promotions from businesses in other fields. Collect new service ideas. Put these items in a folder so you have a ready resource when brainstorming ways to stimulate your sales.

Market to Your Current Customers
Every day, scores of people enter your  property who have already made the decision to buy from you. These are pre-sold, active customers. Allowing them to exit without asking for personal information — especially an email address — is a big mistake.

Track Every Campaign You Run
Unlike big companies with multimillion-dollar ad budgets, you don’t have the luxury of throwing money at “image” advertising. Your marketing dollars must provide a direct return on investment. And you can’t manage what you can’t measure!

Ask your new customers how they heard about you to find out if your ads are working. Whenever you run a promotion, collect the coupons or certificates along with dollars spent data. Keep a pad or clipboard by the phone to record information. It’s the only way to know which efforts are making you money — and which aren’t.

Lastly, if a promotion is working, keep doing it. Too many operators make changes too quickly. It’s OK to add to an effective campaign, but don’t stop a profitable effort until it’s no longer generating results.

Need more great ideasto help boost the effectiveness of your neighborhood promotions?Click Here to sign-up for Jay’s Marketing Tip of the Month and to read all past marketing tips you may have missed!  

Click here to see how many new movers and birthday prospects you can turn into long-term, profitable customers just by sending them a personalized greeting and money saving offer!

Proven effective nationwide, Moving Targets new resident direct marketing (, Birthday Connections custom birthday card service to local residents (, and Loyal Rewards they-do-it-for-you customer emailing service ( are 3 powerful, low-cost ways to attract new customers, bring your current customers back more often and help you make more money right now. 

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