Teens' love affair with Chipotle isn't over, study finds

chipotle burrito bowl

Chipotle’s food safety problems haven’t dashed it from the hearts of today’s teenagers, whose love for the brand is second only to their adoration for Starbucks, according to a new study.

The research report, from financial-services company Piper Jaffray, revealed that Starbucks is the favorite restaurant brand of 14 percent of teenagers, while 9 percent are more partial to Chipotle. The third-most popular brand was Chick-fil-A, designated as most beloved by 7 percent of respondents. Panera Bread and McDonald’s were tied for the No. 4 spot as the heartthrobs for 4 percent of the teen population.

The study, an update of a signature annual report for Piper Jaffray, also revealed that teens typically dine in a restaurant twice as often as they fill up their car’s gas tank.

It also revealed restaurants are snagging about 22 percent of all expenditures by teens from upper-income families, with most of the purchases going to limited-service places.

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