

Georgia lawmaker wants to give restaurant franchisees more protection against franchisors

Working Lunch: The proposal is part of what's emerging as a wave of bills aiming to curb franchisors' power. That alone makes it worth tracking.


What's at stake for restaurants in the Congressional battle over border security

Spoiler alert: It’s the shot at expanding the labor pool by thousands of prospective hires per day.

Employees of The Bazaar in Washington, D.C., have drafted a petition and asked for voluntary recognition of union representation. The famed chef has yet to respond.

Under a bill introduced this week, restaurants would be required to disclose the countries of origin for all seafood that's sold, along with whether it was wild-caught or farmed.

A pilot program undertaken with the instructional institution C-CAP aims to steer the immigrants into foodservice jobs, starting with positions in New York City.

More than half the surveyed restaurateurs and club owners say they'd consider shutting down at least one of their operations. Nearly 9 of 10 contend it'd be a disaster.

Mayor Eric Adams says discussions are already underway to launch a Department of Sustainable Delivery for the city, noting it'd be the first of its kind in the nation.

Founder Tony Lucidonio and son Nicky underreported revenues and paid employees under the table for 11 years, cheating the IRS out of $1.3 million in taxes, according to the Justice Department.

Dual bills aim to thwart competition for the state's agricultural industry, and particularly its cattle trade.

Working Lunch: The past week has brought at least one long-awaited and controversial regulatory change. But that's not all that's happening.

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