

Restaurant menu price inflation eased last month

Prices at fast-food and casual-dining restaurants slowed as costs eased and concern mounted about slow industry traffic.


How can brands win back lower-income consumers?

The Bottom Line: People making $50,000 or less have cut back on dining as prices have soared. But that group remains an important source of industry traffic.

The fast-food burger chain walked back statements that it would test “dynamic pricing,” saying that digital menu boards would enable discounts during low-traffic parts of the day.

The Bottom Line: The burger chain mentioned last week that it would test the pricing strategy sometime next year. Consumers frustrated with prices reacted swiftly.

Restaurant customers in Latin America are the biggest purchasers of combo meals, according to Technomic.

Reality Check: Soaring menu prices are expected to cut Britain's population of fish-and-chips joints in half. There's a lesson in there for operators on this side of the Atlantic.

Crystal balls tend to be hazy. Here are some what-ifs that may be difficult to tune in.

Limited-service restaurants raised prices 0.4% last month and 6% over the past year, even as grocery inflation continued to ease.

The association wants operators to speak out against a ban on service fees, which have become increasingly popular at restaurants.

With beef inflation expected to stick around for the next few years, steakhouses and meat-focused concepts are creating strategies to manage sourcing and the menu. It's all about being flexible.

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