

Timing your buying

Timing may not be everything, but when it comes to getting the best price on a wide variety of purchases, it can make a big difference.

Maximize your meat dollars

Commodity prices are on the rise. And animal proteins—always one of a restaurant’s more expensive buys—are getting hit hard. But there are ways you can purchase and plate beef, pork and lamb to ease the pain—without shortchanging your customers or your profits. Listen to what these chefs, suppliers, economists and other experts have to say.

One might think that local ingredients are hard to come by during a Massachusetts winter.

Potatoes, seafood and almonds are three commodities that are key players on restaurant menus. Drought, high feed prices and other factors have wreaked havoc on several staple foods in the supply chain this year. How are these three commodities trending as we move into 2013 and how can they enhance the menu?

A major topic of conversation in the restaurant industry over the past 18 months has been the continued rise in commodity prices, especially for proteins. In 2012, beef prices rose 9.9 percent and chicken prices had a double-digit increase. These trends have continued in 2013, with the beef price pressure continuing a trend that started in 2010.

Other attributes rank higher than food quality when it comes to how much consumers will pay at restaurants, the research shows.

Two years ago, Phil Freedman wanted to grow.

When it comes to al fresco dining, restaurants in all segments are doing more with less.

That linen service is costing you a lot more these days, isn’t it? You’re not alone: as the price of gas rises, so does the cost of laundry. But some operators are fighting back.

An IPO may not be in the cards any time soon, but if you’ve set your sights on growth through unit expansion you’re facing a whole new set of challenges than simply having a great concept and executing it well.

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