

Restaurants blow up their business models to thrive post-COVID

Reinvention is the key to recovery for these independent operators.


Independent restaurant group asks Congress for more help to save restaurants

The Independent Restaurant Coalition is asking for more assistance, saying the CARES Act doesn't go far enough to keep operators afloat.

The labor shortage remains a major challenge for even the most successful operations.

Operators share how they are keeping costs down amid rising overhead and increased competition.

Along with his brother, Paul, Bartolotta built a namesake foodservice empire that extended to 10 restaurants, catering operations and a contract management business.

This preview highlights one of the biggest trends to emerge from this year’s ranking.

The 10 California restaurants on this year's list are clustered primarily around Los Angeles and San Francisco. Here are the top-grossing restaurants in the state.

The Big Apple is once again home to the most independents on our Top 100 ranking, with almost a third of the list located there. Click through to see the highest-volume restaurants in New York City.

The indie’s $2 million makeover includes a new retail area selling cook-at-home meal kits and a massive kitchen redo.

Ten Italian concepts made this year's ranking.

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