
Why you should never compromise on unit economics

A Deeper Dive: Justin Rosenberg, the founder of Honeygrow, joins the Restaurant Business podcast to talk about how it got back on the right track.

Never compromise on your unit economics.

This week’s episode of the Restaurant Business podcast A Deeper Dive features Justin Rosenberg, the founder of the fast-casual chain Honeygrow.

Rosenberg founded the bowl chain in 2012 and it was going quite well until 2018. He talks about why the company stopped growing that year and what they did to get back on the growth track.

Hint: Honeygrow stopped making compromises on its unit economics.

We also talk about where the chain is growing and why smaller towns are apparently a recipe for success. Indeed, sometimes they’re too successful. And we also discuss how he started the chain.

This is an interesting conversation on A Deeper Dive so please check it out.

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