
How well-written recipes can optimize productivity and profitability in the kitchen

Raeanne Sarazen, author of “The Complete Recipe Writing Guide,” shares the secrets every menu developer needs to know.

Raeanne Sarazen, author of "The Complete Recipe Writing Guide," created a comprehensive guidebook to help chefs, menu developers and dietitians master the art of recipe writing. In our conversation, she explains why and how well-written recipes can boost efficiency, ease staff training and improve the menu.

book cover

Traditionally, cooks learned at the side of more experienced chefs, but that model isn’t always practical in today’s fast-paced, labor-challenged kitchens. The detailed chapters of Sarazen’s book can stand in for that one-on-one mentorship, as she covers recipe development, formatting, nutrition guidance and visual presentation—the visual part more important than ever in this age of Instagram and TikTok.

As a registered dietitian, professional recipe developer and former restaurant chef, Sarazen shares all the skills that go into writing a recipe and why those skills are key to a successful operation.

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