
Raising the bar: Measuring your food safety program, now and as you grow

In this webinar on Oct. 28, Steritech's Chris Boyles and Paula Herald will walk through strategies for measuring performance and practical advice for implementing them.
Image courtesy of the National Restaurant Association

You've taken the time to develop your food safety program. Now it's time to see how you're delivering on your plan. Measuring performance is where the rubber meets the road – and it's also where many food safety programs fail. In this second of a two-part collaborative series with the National Restaurant Association, Steritech's Chris Boyles and Paula Herald will walk through strategies for measuring performance and practical advice for implementing them in your restaurant. 

Attendees will take away key learnings such as:

  • The power of self-assessments
  • The pros and cons of internal audits and third-party assessments
  • 4 goal-setting tactics to drive action
  • How to make huge program shifts using the performance bell-curve
  • Where to assign ownership of food safety in the organization
  • What it takes to maintain a program over the long haul

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