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Some restaurateurs ban cell phones, while others allow them. But how does the public feel?

American mothers, all 82.5 million of them, are—surprise!—quite often swayed by the whims and desires of their children.

CHICAGO - The latest survey by Technomic, Inc., here, testifies to the significant growth of takeout dining.Asking consumers this month how many times in the...

I had a friend who offered free advice. On the subject of budgeting money, she had this to say.

CLEVELAND - Foodservice business growth is expected to increase demand for disposables by 4.3% per year to $14.2 billion by 2007, according to The Freedonia...

(This exclusive ID interview with Richard J. Schnieders, president and coo of Sysco, Inc., Houston, was conducted exactly two weeks after the terrorist...

Bad economy got you down? Core business just ain't what it used to be? Then get some ideas from these operators, who've developed some profitable sidelines.

If you want to build a recognizable and memorable brand — no matter what your segment or average check size — it's important to give your logo careful thought and attention.

Most of us put extra effort into our marketing, training, menu, and service for the winter holidays. Then things slow down and unless we're in a heavy summer tourist area, we fall into the summer doldrums. It doesn't have to be this way. Spring and Summer seasonal changes can bring some unique opportunities to lighten up your menu, freshen up your image, and gather up the business.

Irradiation's a hard sell these days, but Lindsey spearheaded its use on all ground beef at Dairy Queen.

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