Patricia Cobe

Senior Editor

Articles by
Patricia Cobe

Page 152

C-Store vs QSR

In one corner, c-stores, trying to reinvent themselves and steal customers from restaurants by beefing up the quality and quantity of their food.


Bread on the rise

The restaurant breadbasket has been evolving, moving away from a ho-hum selection of dinner rolls and baguette slices to more varied and unique items. Now a growing number of operators are elevating bread service even higher—and in some cases, charging for the goods

Chefs continue to jump aboard food trucks, taking to the streets with moveable versions of their signature dishes. But the popularity of street foods is spawning a reverse trend, as restaurants adapt iconic items to tabletop dining. Grilled and spit-roasted meats seem to be leading the charge.

With a change in ownership in 2010, Daphne’s Greek Café became Daphne’s California Greek, a fresh, healthy Mediterranean-Californian concept.

The Hudson Valley is on par with the Napa Valley when it comes to the local bounty of excellent ingredients, believes Eric Gabrynowicz, executive chef at Restaurant North in Armonk, New York.

Chicken breast has been the darling of restaurant and home kitchens for a couple of decades, touted for its versatility and health benefits. But lately, operators and consumers are beginning to suffer from white meat fatigue.

When the Scottsdale, Arizona-based Z’Tejas rolled out its new brunch menu in March, the number of selections doubled—and only one item was a holdover from the old menu.

Vermilion’s location in the Washington, D.C. suburb of Alexandria is a stone’s throw from Virginia’s rolling farmland and Chesapeake Bay’s fishing grounds. That’s allowed executive chef Tony Chittum to develop relationships with dozens of farmers and fishermen.

The NRA Show draws quite an international list of attendees and one of the regulars is Peter Backman, managing director of Horizons, a foodservice research and consulting company based in London. Every year, we sit down for a quick meeting to compare notes about restaurant trends in America and Britain. Here are some of the things I learned during our May 6th chat.

Navigating the NRA show was trickier this year—there seemed to be more bodies blocking the aisles and lining up at the booths for free samples. That was good news for the restaurant industry and those who supply it, but bad news for this intrepid taster.

Six top business leaders describe how to create and sustain companies with purpose.

It’s going to be a tough year for steak lovers. Operators are seeing higher beef costs—and menu prices are inching up as a result. Several factors are contributing to this trend, according to research by the Beef Checkoff.

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