
Menu rehab on a shoestring

Big profits from cost-conscious changes. As food costs continue to escalate and margins get squeezed ever tighter, periodic menu fixes become even more important to the bottom line.

Ideas from the show that almost slipped past

Ideas are systematically fed to attendees of the NRA show through seminars, demos, exhibits, and the constant networking, among other ways. But RB’s editorial team spotted a few beyond those usual channels. Here are some innovations that you may find thought-provoking.

More than half of the restaurant industry’s $491 billion in sales come from the Top 500 chains. And these giants grew at a modestly stronger rate, both in terms of sales and store counts, than the industry overall. Restaurant Business focused on the leading 250 performers to identify trends for our first-ever special report delivering lessons from Technomic’s annual Top 500 Chain Restaurant Report. This special package includes lessons for all operators from the largest chains by segment, menu category and more.

A family-oriented chain known for its menu of American favorites and signature salad bar 

See which 10 chains are winning with seafood that consumers say they can’t get anywhere else.

Feel like everybody blames you for the obesity epidemic? Funny thing is, everybody doesn’t. It was four years of terror for anyone who ever served a...

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