Reality Check

Peter Romeo

The blog from award-winning journalist, RB Editor-at-Large Peter Romeo. Peter taps into his decades of experience covering the restaurant business at a variety of publications to discuss any number of issues related to the operations and general direction of restaurants.


IHOP bet big on burgers, got a deserved salute

The chain’s publicity stunt was run up a flagpole, and it flew.


Casey’s pumps the brakes on delivery and expanded hours

With little notice, one pizza powerhouse is re-thinking where the restaurant pack is heading.

We interrupt the restaurant industry's steady onslaught of challenges to bring you this download of solutions, including a killer way to find help this summer. Wipe away the tears of joy and read on.

Long before he was a potential candidate for the Oval Office, the force behind Starbucks provided an up-close indication of what he was like when the cameras aren't recording. Here's that personal recollection.

The problem isn't oversupply. It's under-demand.

Utterances had intent listeners doing a double take. Here's why heads were turned.

Restaurants found themselves knee-deep in the swamp of politics and social controversy this week. Here are the gloppy details.

New York City operators push back with an angry-sounding manifesto for Mayor Bill de Blasio.

As if supply and demand weren’t enough of a labor problem for restaurants, along comes a pummeling from unions and their fellow travelers, including the vote by a Burgerville unit's staff to unionize.

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