Peter Romeo

Editor at Large

Articles by
Peter Romeo

Page 142

Arkansas OKs restaurants reopening on May 11

Capacities will be capped at one-third of prior guest counts.


Cracker Barrel adjusts to new market realities

The family-dining chain has pared back and otherwise changed its menu.

Places will be limited to 25% of their usual indoor capacity. Outdoor seating will be permitted if social distancing is maintained.

The pancake chain is copying its sister chain's curbside to-go program.

The Brinker International chain has already rehired 10% of furloughed workers, with recruitment accelerating to handle an expected surge in business from pent-up dine-in demand.

Even the Texas Restaurant Association doubts operators in its state can. But Gov. Greg Abbott’s limited opening of dining rooms is intended to be the start of a process—and one that could be duplicated elsewhere.

We’ve found the real deals tend to share certain traits. Here’s our checklist.

The Chipotle CEO and Restaurant Leader of the Year talks about what has shaped him as a businessman and father.

CEO Brian Niccol has led the adoption of several novel people-focused initiatives.

In less than two years, the CEO has corrected the chain’s course, making it once again a standout industry performer. By design, the new route looks a lot like the old one, only more so.

Kitchens will be paid for providing delivered meals to seniors in need.

The requirements or recommendations for resuming dine-in service vary widely from state to state, if they exist at all. Here's a sampling, along with some of the few near-constants.

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