Working Lunch

Working Lunch is a podcast from Align Public Strategies devoted to explaining the so what and now what about key issues impacting the restaurant and retail industries.


Restaurants are about to draw more fire as employers

Working Lunch: The violation of child-labor laws by a few bad actors are tarnishing the whole business' image as a place to work. And the volume is about to go way up.


Recent elections provide few clues of what will happen in 2024

Working Lunch: The mayoral contests yielded little insight on what's ahead for restaurants politically.

Working Lunch: Incoming chief Brandon Johnson has plans to push several measures that would have a big impact on restaurants.

Working Lunch: A few bad players are making the whole business look bad. And yet there's worse to come.

Working Lunch: The Bud Light and Disney controversies show how businesses can be sucked in.

Working Lunch: A liberal court's ending of a local ban on gas-powered kitchen equipment was a win for restaurants everywhere.

Working Lunch: Both of their newly announced initiatives add up to sound long-term business decisions.

Working Lunch: Even unions can't seem to make up their minds on whether it's a good thing or a detriment to workers.

... And Mr. Sanders might've wished the coffee king had stayed home. The Working Lunch podcast weighs in on Howard Schultz's Senate hearing.

Working Lunch: The big ask is for a guarantee of 37 scheduled hours per week, set months in advance.

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