
How Gavin Kaysen defines his role as chef-CEO as he expands his restaurant company in new directions

The award-winning chef has not only positioned Minneapolis as a dining destination, but he has also published a cookbook, initiated a mentorship program and more.

Award-winning chef Gavin Kaysen has been instrumental in turning Minneapolis into a dining destination, moving back to his hometown after advancing his career in Daniel Boulud’s New York City restaurants.

Eight years ago, he opened Spoon and Stable and has since added two restaurants - Demi, Mara - and Socca Cafe, along with several locations of Bellecour, a French-inspired bakery and cafe. Just last month, he self-published his first cookbook, At Home, plus he hosts a Synergy Series of dinners with guest chefs and initiated a mentorship program.

At Home book cover
At Home book cover

Although Kaysen no longer cooks at service, he leads menu R&D at all of his restaurants and considers himself a chef-CEO. Listen as he describes this expanded role, how At Home evolved to become a very personal project and why geography no longer plays a part in the recognition and success of a restaurant.

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