
Association hosts new webinar on cultural intelligence and customer experience

Attendees will learn how developing an understanding for cultural nuance can increase customer comfort, employee engagement and the bottom line. 
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Image courtesy of the National Restaurant Association

Cultural nuances around language, service, technology, and formality can affect customer satisfaction and likelihood of repeat visits and referrals. In this webinar, scheduled for April 14 at 2 p.m. ET, you’ll learn how developing an understanding for cultural nuance can increase customer comfort, employee engagement, and your bottom line. 

Learn from Andre Howell from the Multicultural Foodservice & Hospitality Alliance and Bill Fultz from Heartland Payment Systems on how developing a culture attuned to nuance can improve the customer experience.

In this webinar, you will:

  • Gain insight into how being aware of cultural nuance improves the customer experience
  • Understand how to assess and appreciate cultural differences in your customer base
  • Learn how to support your team members and their customer interaction 

Click here to download "How Cultural Intelligence Leads to Customer Comfort."

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