Restaurant Business Daily

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To convince franchisees to adopt new technology, think like a marketer

At FSTEC, franchisors say getting system buy-in on tech means making them part of the decision process. But sometimes you have to say no to new tech, too.


Chipotle agrees to pay $400,000 to settle sexual harassment lawsuit in Seattle area

Filed by the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission last year, the lawsuit involves allegations that a manager sexually assaulted a worker who was just 17 at the time. With the settlement, Chipotle does not admit wrongdoing.

Some operators say they were left out of discussions on a matter that could hurt per-store cash flow by $250,000 in the state. But the company said the deal will protect the franchise model without a costly fight.

The Bottom Line: Some executives of franchise chains are also franchisees. “I feel the pain when I make a decision to bring something in.”

While concepts are adding new digital ordering technology, robots or even AI, executives work to keep their focus on the customer.

The Bottom Line: Fast-food restaurants will have to pay $20 an hour under a compromise reached this week. How will operators pay for it?

In a complaint filed in New York Supreme Court, 10 plaintiffs described an atmosphere of racial slurs and sexually inappropriate comments, mostly coming from two managers.

Price increases and slowing inflation have combined to improve cash flow among the pizza chain’s operators this year.

As the industry races to adopt the latest innovations, how are diners feeling about their brand interactions? A member of Gen Z, a Millennial, a Gen Xer and a Boomer shared their views at FSTEC.

After years of steady decline, the fast-casual brand appears to be in a death spiral of unpaid bills, legal filings and angry customers. Even in a world as forgiving as restaurants, it may be impossible for the chain to come back.

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