Sara Rush Wirth

Articles by
Sara Rush Wirth

Page 26

Capitalizing on good weather with outdoor space

“The rooftop adds a layer of protection for business; it’s a destination people will travel to,” says E.P restaurant co-founder and principal Grant Smillie.


Apps usurp coupons as customer incentive

Operators are willing to give freebies to help foster that bond and technology is making it easier to target offers through loyalty programs and apps.

If trendiness guaranteed sales, restaurants would have a lifespan of five minutes. Here’s how neighborhood places aim for a loyal, longtime clientele instead of flash.

Jeff Jenkins quietly left the chain last month.

While some mandates are originating from outside—the FDA just gave companies three years to eliminate trans fats—consumers are the major driver.

“If Gini represents the next generation of leadership, we are all in amazing and capable hands,” says Joni Doolin, CEO and founder of workforce-data firm TDN2K.

Michael Mina has built an empire operating higher-end restaurants. But the next concept on tap for him is a bit different than the rest-it isn't a restaurant.

Doing away with a dining room doesn’t eliminate the problems for startups like Sprig. Indeed, it adds more than a few.

Outdoor-dining terraces are packed with customers once it gets warm, but the solution for alerting guests to outdoor status in less-than-ideal weather has taken a modern twist.

This month, RB noticed some relationship adjustments that are impacting operations—restaurants are interacting differently with third-party services.

For many operators, certain charities are a natural pick because they hit on a personal note. For those less sure, consider these factors.

While most of the stereotypes associated with millennials just anger those in the demographic, the need for speed is one that rings true.

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