

The restaurant-grocery gap is narrowing

Grocers are raising prices, but restaurants are still increasing theirs at a faster rate, says RB's The Bottom Line.


One of the most common errors in the financial statements of restaurants is the incorrect recording of food and beverage comps — food or beverage served free of charge, or sold at prices lower than normal retail.

The menu at Wave, in the W Chicago Hotel, has been a work in progress. Arriving early to the “sharing plates” party, Wave’s basic concept hasn’t changed, but the way it’s presented to customers via the menu has undergone a series of subtle shifts.

High beef prices, more efficient production and an improved product have pushed pork to the forefront.

In order to lose weight, Americans need to eat less. Thing is, a whole lot of us will devour whatever’s put in front of us, long after we’ve ceased to be hungry. In one study, participants who were given smaller portions of food reported as much satiety as those provided larger portions.

Meat is usually a restaurant’s priciest food purchase. But even with wholesale food costs skyrocketing over the past year, the current news isn’t all dismal at the center of the plate. Red meats haven’t been hit as hard as wheat, eggs and dairy products. Yet.

Aquaculture has been practiced worldwide in one form or another for centuries. Lowland fields and rice paddies would often be flooded by strong rains and monsoons. With these floods came an abundance of fish and aquatic organisms which flourished in this vegetation-rich environment.

The economy seems to be coming out of its tailspin and restaurant and bar customers are returning to their seats. Now is the time to give them something to come back for. Off-premise, consumers have been trading down, but when they go out for a drink, they want a treat. Time to dust off the top shelf.

The breakfast daypart is revved up and raring to go—just like those eaters who begin their day with an energizing morning meal.

The Restaurant Business annual Restaurant Growth Index can direct you to the best opportunities for your next location. But there are may mistakes to avoid after that.

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