
Distributor Develops Mobile Produce Shop

LANDOVER, MD (July 26, 2012)—Keany Produce Co. sends its Gateway to Gourmet mobile produce department truck on the road to existing and potential...

Pizza steps up

Is “better pizza” following in the footsteps of “better burgers” as the next fast-casual star? Some industry veterans are betting on it, including...

It’s peak season to build a summer salad around the abundance of fresh produce that’s now available. These salads feature summer’s best fruits and vegetables.

An ongoing look at the industry's faces of diversity. If running a catering business is difficult, then imagine having to run one without a telephone, silverware—or even a stove.

Foodservice suppliers provide a look at products designed to make an operator’s job easier.

High tech stuff you can use right now to ease your workforce woes.

More and more chefs are blogging. They blog about everything from restaurant openings to new dishes, the flavor of a farmstead cheese or the culinary high point of a trip. Free online tools like Blogger, Wordpress and Typepad make it relatively easy to set up a blog, add photos, recipes and forums and share plenty of savory tidbits.

Four years ago, a Mama Fu’s restaurant in Charlotte, North Carolina, developed a better kids’ menu than the slightly exotic fare the Pan-Asian concept restaurant chain offered at the time. The new Dragon Tails (chicken tenders with macaroni and cheese) and Ninja Noodles (teriyaki chicken with noodles) were a smash hit, and soon became a staple at all 13 Mama Fu’s units. “That was one of the bigger franchisee ideas that helped our brand,” says Randy Murphy, president of Texas-based Mama Fu’s. “It really helped us become more of a family-friendly restaurant.”

NATIONAL HARBOR, MD (August 13, 2012)—School Nutrition Association’s (SNA) 2012 Back to School Trends Report shows that school foodservice professionals...

RICHMOND, VA (June 19, 2013)—Performance Foodservice launched two key digital communications initiatives – a redesigned website...

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