FSTEC Conference

Sunday, September 17, 2017

Anaheim Marriott, Anaheim, CA

FSTEC is the industry's most comprehensive technology conference and the only event of its kind focused exclusively on both commercial and noncommercial foodservice. With more than 1,400 top-level executives in attendance, this three-day event is a powerful platform for emerging companies and technologies to not only launch into the marketplace, but gain real traction. It's not just about the latest gadgets; FSTEC is unmatched when it comes to interaction, information exchange and delivering true business-building solutions.  


Brandy Mulcahy | bmulcahy@winsightmedia.com 480-337-3426


Mark Hatch | mhatch@winsightmedia.com | 480-337-3419

Learn more and register

Panera Bread named the industry’s best in tech

The fast-casual chain was chosen from among some 200 chains as the 2015 winner of the Tech Accelerator of the Year award.


2016 RB/FSTEC Awards: Technical perfection

This year’s class of social media standouts found surprising ways to break through on popular platforms, reinvent their voice on established ones and gain footing in the “brand”-new worlds of Snapchat, Instagram and more.

NRA CIO Kevin Steele, Pei Wei Marketing Manager Sharon Koval, Technomic's Erik Thoresen and RB's Sara Rush Wirth discuss marketing to today's consumer with tech at FSTEC 2016.

The three winners of Restaurant Business’ 2017 Tech Accelerator Awards are using technology to revolutionize their business models and reshape the customer experience.

We asked some leading restaurant innovators where the industry’s increasing reliance on data will lead. These are their predictions for the decade ahead.

These new advances could change the game, making operations smarter and more efficient.

Fall is the time for companies to plan next year’s technology initiatives and the budgets that support them.

Digital advances are coming with some lingual ones as well. Here’s how the restaurant industry glossary is being rewritten to reflect advances on the tech front.

Arby’s, Whataburger, Waffle House and Shake Shack are among the winners of the first-ever RB/FSTEC Awards. The honorees were chosen in such categories as Most Tantalizing Food Porn, Best App, Best Single Social Media Post and Best Tech Project/Team.

Attendees of FSTEC agreed the challenges have little to do with functionality or price.

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